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Governing Board Selects Dr. Jeffrey P. Nasse as New PCC Chancellor

PCC Behavior Assessment Team

Need help right now?

If you feel there is an immediate threat or emergency, call 911 or the PCC Police at 520-206-2700. More information is available on the PCC Police department page.

To report a Person of Concern, please complete the Online Referral Form Here

Please note这张表格不能代替报警. 如果你觉得某人对自己或他人有危险, please call the police first and then complete the form. 如果不是紧急情况,请填写此表格.

What is the PCC Behavior Assessment Team (BAT)?

BAT是一个多学科团队,指导大学社区有效评估和处理有关和/或威胁行为. 皮马社区学院致力于学院社区所有成员的安全. 行为评估小组(BAT)采用主动和协作的方法来识别, assess, and mitigate risks associated with students, faculty, staff, 参观者表现出有关的行为和/或交流. By partnering with members of the community, 行为评估小组努力促进个别学生, faculty, 员工的幸福和成功,同时优先考虑社区安全.

The Behavior Assessment Team can:

  • Provide consultation and support to faculty, staff, administration, 帮助表现出令人担忧或破坏性(极端或反复)行为的个人;
  • 收集信息以评估涉及表现出令人担忧或破坏性(极端或反复)行为的个人的情况;
  • 在适当和必要时与社区伙伴沟通;
  • Educate and empower the campus community to recognize, report, and effectively address concerning, dangerous, disturbing and/or threatening behaviors;
  • 建议适当的干预策略(提出符合学院政策和程序的建议);
  • 将个人与所需的校园和社区资源联系起来;
  • 监控表现出破坏性(极端或反复出现)或相关行为的个体的持续行为.

Concerning behaviors include the following:

  • 直接威胁伤害(如果这是一个直接的安全问题,请联系PCC警察.)
  • Indirect threat of harm
  • 自杀意念(如果这是一个直接的安全问题,请联系PCC警察.)
  • Issues with emotional wellbeing
  • Substance abuse
  • Extremist behavior 

如果您发现任何这些行为,请参考BAT. 如果您需要即时帮助或感到受到威胁,请拨打911或PCC警察520-206-2700.

Additional Information on BAT


How do I make a referral to the BAT?

Please complete the online referral form [Report a Person of Concern].

Do I refer to the BAT in emergency situations?

不,如果你觉得有直接的威胁,请拨打911或校园警察520-206-2700. (如果你想让BAT知道这个问题,你可以在联系警方后提交BAT报告. )

Will a person find out I referred them to the BAT?



你不需要自己决定——我们可以帮你做. 教师和工作人员有望处理轻微的中断. However, 如果情况不只是轻微的中断,并且符合上面列出的任何标准, 请参考BAT,我们将决定最佳行动方案.


不,BAT转介不能取代向PCC学生行为报告. 使用事件报告表报告涉嫌违反PCC学生行为准则的行为.

What happens after a referral is made?

It depends on the situation. 如果有直接的威胁,学院警察将采取行动. If there does not appear to be an immediate threat, BAT将评估风险并确定适当的行动方针. 当您通过在线报告表格提交BAT转介时, 您将自动收到您提交的报告的副本. 然而,请记住,BAT的人可能会也可能不会就你的报告与你联系. If we have more questions, we will follow up with you. Due to the nature of this work, 作为惯例,我们不提供我们对转诊评估或报告结果的最新情况.

如果有人在一个令人担忧的状态或情况下接近我,他们想向我倾诉, what should I keep in mind?

Don’t promise confidentiality. 让这个人知道你会咨询学院的官员,他们可以最好地帮助他们,但你会把它保留在需要知道的基础上. 另外,要知道你不必独自处理这些事情. 如果出现直接的威胁和/或直接的安全问题, call 911 or campus police at 520-206-2700. 在不太紧迫但仍然有关的情况下,请使用上面的链接参阅BAT.

How does a student connect with a counselor?

  • PCC Counselors 为学生提供短期咨询服务,重点关注个人挑战和学业成功. 辅导员被指派根据学生的学习计划来支持他们. 学生可以通过签到来确定他们指定的辅导员 PimaConnect and navigating over to My Success Network. You can use this form to request PCC Counseling services. 
  • PCC还通过 Student Wellness Assistance Program provider for up to 6 free sessions, per issue, annually, per student, with virtual or face to face options. 学生健康援助可拨打1-833-251-9941. 其他信息也可通过学生的MyPima帐户获得. To access the program: Go to the MyPima Students Tab > Student Resources > Student Wellness Assistance.

PCC Resources

Tucson Resources

National Resources

Immediate Crisis Support

  • Safety or Medical Emergency: Dial 911
  • PCC Police: 520-206-2700
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
  • Crisis Counselors Call Center (24小时危机热线):1-800-273-8255或文本“回答”至839863
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