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Governing Board Selects Dr. Jeffrey P. Nasse as New PCC Chancellor

Financial Wellness

想了解更多关于预算你的钱和评估你的财务需求? 财政援助办公室有各种各样的工具来帮助你了解财务健康和规划,而你追求你的教育. 

Financial Wellness Tools

Student Loan Payments to Restart After June 30, 2023

On June 30th the 美国最高法院驳回了拜登-哈里斯大学的学生贷款 Relief program. Borrowers can expect interest to begin accruing on September 1, 2023 and first payments will be due in October 2023. 借款人可通过与 Student Connections

Stay Informed


  1. Update your contact information in your profile on both, your loan servicer’s website and on
  2. 注册后,将在流程正式启动时收到通知 Department of Education subscription page.
  3. Make sure you know what you owe. Review your financial aid history and loan details on
  4. Watch out for increased scam attempts to take advantage of borrowers. Remember that you never have to pay to apply for or receive relief efforts from Federal Student Aid.

Beware of Scammers!


许多学生报告说,公司已经联系他们,说他们将帮助减免债务, loan discharge or loan cancellation for a fee. Never pay for any of these services. 确保你与值得信赖的公司或教育部合作伙伴打交道,比如你的贷款人或服务商.

To find out who holds your student loan login to



  • Use 在填写联邦学生援助免费申请表(FAFSA)时 form; when you exit the FAFSA site, 关闭浏览器,这样会话中的cookie将被自动删除.
  • 不要把你的FSA ID给任何人,即使那个人正在帮你填写FAFSA表格.
  • Review your financial aid offers; keep track of the amounts of financial aid you applied for and the amounts you received.
  • Keep receipts and documents (for example, credit applications or offers, 支票和银行对账单)和个人信息放在安全的地方, and shred them when you are finished with them.
  • 警惕那些要求预付费用或费用的助学贷款偿还骗局.
  • 不要在电话或网络上提供个人信息,除非是你亲自联系的. If you have questions about your financial aid, 询问你的大学或联系联邦学生援助信息中心 [email protected] or 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243).
  • 立即向发卡人报告所有遗失或被盗的身份证件.g., 信用卡公司或你所在州的机动车辆管理局)和警察, if appropriate.
  • Watch the Financial Literacy (Money Matters) Web Recording: Identity theft and Cyber security

如果您怀疑您的个人信息被盗,请迅速采取行动. 联系信用报告机构,“冻结”你的账户,这样别人就不能以你的名义开设新的信用账户了. 你可以在下面列出的联邦贸易委员会的网站上找到提示和信用机构的联系信息.



AZ Attorney General's Identity Theft page tips:

  • 向联邦贸易委员会提交身份盗窃报告,以获得身份盗窃宣誓书.
  • 向当地的县或市执法机构提交一份报告. 你不需要知道使用你身份的人的名字. 你可以向警方出示你的资料,例如收债信或其他表明你是这宗罪案的受害人的迹象.
  • 通知所有三家信用报告机构和每一位与你联系过的收债人.

You can also visit to learn more.

The three nationwide credit bureaus have a centralized website, toll-free telephone number, 还有邮寄地址,这样你就可以在一个地方订购免费的年度报告. Do not contact the three nationwide credit bureaus individually. These are the only ways to order your free credit report:

Annual Credit Report Request Service
P.O. Box 105281
Atlanta, GA 30348-5281

Only one website — -被授权为您依法有权获得的免费年度信用报告填写订单.

How often can I get a free report?

联邦法律规定,你有权每12个月获得一份免费的信用报告副本. Through December 2023, everyone in the U.S. 每周可以从三个全国性的信用机构(Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) at

Also, everyone in the U.S. 到2026年,每年可以通过访问 Equifax website or by calling 1-866-349-5191. 除此之外,你还可以获得一份免费的Equifax报告(以及你的Experian和TransUnion报告)

Are there other ways I can get a free report?

Under federal law, you’re entitled to a free credit report if

  • you get a notice saying that your application for credit, employment, insurance, 或者其他福利被拒绝,或者对你采取了其他不利的行动, based on information in your credit report. That’s known as an adverse action notice. 你必须在收到通知后60天内索要报告. The notice will give you the name, address, and phone number of the credit bureau, and you can request your free report from them
  • you’re out of work and plan to look for a job within 60 days
  • you’re on public assistance
  • 由于身份盗窃或其他欺诈行为,您的报告不准确
  • you have a fraud alert in your credit file
如果您属于这些类别之一,请使用 credit bureau contact information below.

“学生关系”标志,白色背景上用黑色字体写着“学生关系”. There is a yellow circular logo around the text.

Pima Community College has paired with Student Connections 为您提供更多资源,帮助您建立明智使用财务资源的技能. 下载一张传单,上面有信息,可以免费帮助你偿还学生贷款 here.


WhichWay Financial Awareness Tool


A new Financial Awareness Tool - the WhichWay Platform - is here!

Use code 7384 to register.

Additional Resources

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