董事会遴选博士. Jeffrey P. 纳斯成为新的PCC总理
A group of diverse students and staff stand smiling at Northwest Campus


皮马社区学院 supports and 庆祝 its relationship with all tribal, 阿拉斯加土著, 土著居民. 皮马社区学院坐落在Tohono O 'odham民族的土著土地上,也是Pascua Yaqui民族的延伸家园. 皮马社区学院还支持来自亚利桑那州所有22个联邦承认的土著民族的学生, as well as the 574 federally recognized native nations in the United States. 世界各地都有土著居民,皮马社区学院有潜力为他们中的任何一个人服务.

因此,皮马社区学院致力于提供服务和教育,颂扬土著文化和管理,同时也认识到流离失所和被剥夺的历史. 例如, the Tohono O’odham Nation is the second largest reservation in Arizona, allocated in the south central to western part of the state, 一直到墨西哥边境. 帕斯夸亚基人, whose traditional homelands are along the Yaqui River in Mexico, fled to South Arizona to escape genocide and 奴隶制 by the Mexican government. From this 承诺 皮马社区学院 acknowledges, 庆祝, and affirms the lands we are on the sovereignty of the various native nations.

Land and Labor Acknowledgements and Commitment to Action


皮马社区学院位于托霍诺奥罕人的原始家园和帕斯夸亚基部落的延伸家园上. 另外, 皮马社区学院有学生, 员工, 以及来自美国和世界各地的许多部落和土著群体的社区成员. 我们向这些人表示敬意和敬意, 过去的, 现在, 而未来的人已经并将继续培养, 维持, 管理这些土地.

承认这些主权国家的土地的做法突出了它们与这片土地的持久联系,无论历史和当前的殖民做法如何. Let’s acknowledge that we all benefit from these lands on which we 工作 and learn. We encourage everyone to learn about the land we inhabit, 与这片土地相连的部落社区,以及每个人可以为与土地和社区有关的恢复性实践做出贡献的方式.承认这些主权国家的土地的做法突出了它们与这片土地的持久联系,无论历史和当前的殖民做法如何.

We acknowledge the benefit we have received from these lands on which we 工作 and learn. 皮马社区学院鼓励我们社区的每个成员了解我们居住的土地, 与这片土地相关的部落社区以及我们可以为与土地和社区相关的恢复实践做出贡献的方式. 我们继续通过与部落和土著组织的伙伴关系投资于我们的承诺, by including the native voice in our strategic and operational initiatives, 并与Pascua Yaqui和Tohono O 'odham部落理事会合作,投资于教育机会和倡议.


我们认识到并承认,美利坚合众国的基础是建立在散居的非洲黑人的自由和强迫劳动之上的, 以移民和难民为代价, 还有这片土地上的原住民. This labor has contributed to the essential foundations, wealth, and success of this country.

这种基础具有世代和指数效应,继续对布莱克产生负面影响, 棕色(的), and marginalized communities today and remain uncompensated. 散居的黑人、移民和难民人口的历史和当代贡献, continue to shape American culture and benefit all inhabitants of this land.

作为这个空间的管理者, it is our collective responsibility to hold these truths, to 工作 together to dismantle and disrupt oppressive systems that continue through today. 我们承认并努力超越继续边缘化和压迫的等级制度, and instead embrace a system in which all persons' voices are celebrated, 他们对自我尊重的表达, 他们的故事被提升了.

我们尊重牺牲, 工作, 还有那些被奴役者的生命, 强迫, 继续遭受压迫. 我们努力庆祝他们的贡献, 揭示和教育他们的历史, and commit to equity and equality to all persons.


以下是劳动和土地承认的综合版本,让我们通过反思扎根, 通过庆祝来激励我们, 并承诺我们采取行动. 这应该作为整个皮马社区学院活动的一部分,并可供员工在工作中使用.

我们认识到,我们是在托霍诺·奥哈姆和帕斯夸亚基人的未被割让的土地上,他们一直是这些土地的管家. We honor their love and 承诺 to these lands and strive to continue that 工作.

我们尊重被奴役的人民, 移民, 难民, and others who built the wealth and foundation of the United States.

We acknowledge the benefit we have received from these lands and the labor of our ancestors. 皮马社区学院鼓励我们社区的每个成员了解我们居住的土地, 与这片土地相关的部落社区以及我们可以为与土地和社区相关的恢复实践做出贡献的方式.


让我们认识到,亚利桑那州和美国的历史是种族主义和剥夺殖民主义公民权的同谋. 我们认识到,这些艰难的历史在这所大学的当今现实和特权中仍然存在.

We commit to dismantling racism in spaces of our 工作.

We commit to educate our communities about this history and 文化.

We invite you to 工作 beside us to create change.


圈子和聚会创造了内在的认同,因为我们被迫彼此见证. It comes from a variety of traditional practices including those of indigenous peoples.

In this gathering we come together as members of this community from a variety of backgrounds, 文化, and experiences to share in the ownership of our community and 承诺. Together we acknowledge the systems of 压迫 and violence. We recognize we are the means to dismantle them and reestablish wellness, 礼貌, 关心他人. We are the stewards of this land, this history, and this community. Together we can build conditions of belonging and connection.

这个圆圈代表我们的联系, 承诺, 并希望得到一份关怀, 公平的, 和平的世界.

皮马社区学院 Commitment to Land and Labor Action

As part of its ongoing and deepening efforts to go beyond land acknowledgments, 皮马社区学院参与了以土著人民为重点的各种倡议, 移民和难民, 以及各种文化认同. It continues to expand and grow in its 承诺. If you are interested in helping in this area please contact the 多元化、公平和包容办公室.

Some of the activities include, but are not limited too:

  • A partnership with the Pascua Yaqui Tribe that provides a variety of educational services
  • 成立托霍诺奥汉姆社区学院,并持续支持各种项目和倡议
  • The Ethnic Gender and Transborder Studies program was created that includes Mexican, 黑色的, LGBTQIA +, 性别, 土著和部落星际官方赌钱.
  • 利用骄傲指数来改善服务,为LGBTQIA +学生和员工创造安全和友好的环境.
  • 无障碍投资, 安全, 和健康资源,使大学社区内的所有人都有机会获得和机会,以及支持健康和安全.

What is a Land and Labor Acknowledgement and Why Go Beyond?


传统上, 土地承认是许多土著民族和社区的一种习俗,可以追溯到几个世纪以前,既是对土地管理的尊重,也是对土地所有者的认可. 今天, 土地承认是土著人民和非土著人民用来纪念土著人民的,他们是我们现在生活的土地的原始管家, as well as to recognize the displacement and dissociation that has historically occurred. Land acknowledgments do not exist in a 过去的 tense, or historical context: colonialism is a current ongoing process, and we need to build our mindfulness of our 现在 participation.


Labor acknowledgements have been developed to acknowledge the history of colonialism, 奴隶制, and immigration that have laid the foundation of the United States. 它们源于土地承认概念,是一种教育和尊重牺牲的方式, 压迫, 以及黑人正在进行的斗争, 棕色(的), 还有其他被奴役的群体, 用作自由和强制劳动, and continue to live with the costs from those systems. 比如土地确认, 对劳工的承认不仅仅是对过去的承认,也是对改善和克服今天仍然存在的压迫性制度的承诺.

Why and how does 皮马社区学院 acknowledge the land and labor?

皮马社区学院’s history and mission include equity, 社会正义, 多样性, 包容, 和归属感. 自联合国成立以来,这些原则一直是该机构的一部分,并继续在其各系统中得到体现. 像所有的组织和人一样, 言语不是工作, 因此,皮马社区学院用这些认可来提醒自己和社区这些价值观, 促进对改善和改变压迫性和种族主义制度和行为的持续行动的承诺.
It shares its land acknowledgment before public events, 在重要材料中, 以及其他重要的聚会. It encourages others to also use 土地和劳动力确认. 然而, it is important to note that acknowledgments must be given with respect, 尊严, 以及对他们意图的承诺.


致谢有两个功能, 他们教育那些经历过他们的人关于土著土地和它的主权,以及在建立美国的奴隶制和压迫的历史. They also honor the sacrifices, experiences, and stewardships of those same peoples and lands.

但是,确认不是动作. While many of the actions resulting in this historical context occurred in the 过去的, the ramifications are still experienced by Indigenous, 黑色的, 棕色(的), 和今天的其他人. Organizations and individuals cannot change the 过去的, but we can 工作 to change lingering systems that continue to oppress, 拥抱的偏见, and keep individuals from realizing the American dream.
有关Going Beyond的更多信息, 土地和劳动力确认, 土著民族和土著人民, 和类似的话题请参见 土地和劳动力资源.

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